Thursday, May 17, 2007

School's IN for the Summer

Hi everyone and welcome back!

You know, I really thought going to school in the summer would be a complete disaster. However, this is my first summer going to school and, it turns out, I actually like it a lot better than taking classes in the Fall or Winter! I think it's because the summer sun makes everyone so relaxed -even if you are in school. Or maybe it's because I really like the classes I'm taking (Psychology, Philosophy & Communications). Or it could be because I know there's an alternative for all us pasties who are staying indoors for a good fraction of the summer: sunless tanning lotion.

Although I'm currently enjoying school (nope, not even exaggerating!), I know my view will soon change directions. After all, I'm not Wonder Woman; I get tempted to put down the books and lie in the sun like a potato every once in a while too, you know! This is why I've decided to make a written schedule for myself. Usually, I have a bad habit of thinking I have a supernaturally brilliant memory and, thus, attempt to organize and store my entire schedule in my head. However, I now realize that I'm just a wee bit more forgetful (okay, a LOT more!) than I had originally thought. So, not only will this schedule of mine keep me motivated, it will help me to remember my 'to do' list more easily.

I know there are so many of you out there who are thinking, "umm big deal, I write up a schedule all the time in my AGENDA PLANNER." And yes, you're right; It ISN'T a hard thing to do. Well, for most of us anyways. I tend to use my planner at the beginning of the semester then slowly drift away from it; so, for me, using a planner is kind of tough to keep up with. However, I know this is a skill I'll use when I'm older and it's something I'll have to develop sooner or later... so I might as well start sooner, don't you think?

What do you do to stay organized and focused?

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