Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Studying Techniques

Hey all!

So, what do you think about the new layout? I guess I just like to "think pink." :)

So today, I nearly scared myself half to death. I was carelessly flipping through the pages of my planner when I suddenly realized that my MIDTERMS ARE NEXT WEEK! Yikes, that came fast!

After I stopped hallucinating and regained sanity, I began to plan out how I was going to tackle the whole studying thing. As I planned out my studying schedule for the week, I came up with some pretty good tips:

1) First, I thought about the location. I know many people who always 'study' at home and get absolutely nothing done. I hear the same story over and over again: "I got distracted and ended up eating Doritos and watching 'Wedding Crashers.' " Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating. However, studying at home is definitely a major downfall. Since you're comfortable in your own space, it's easy for your eyes to wander off. The library is definitely a more fitting environment. On the other hand, not all libraries are suitable. All libraries have different seating plans, noise levels, and capacities. It's important to experiment with different libraries so that you may find one to your liking.

2) I also thought about time management. Some people say that they can study well at the last minute. This may be true, but they would probably study more efficiently if they studied a little at a time. I remember my Grade 12 Psychology teacher specifically telling my class that "cramming is pointless because it doesn't work!"

3) Eliminating small activities is also another important factor. It's easy to lose focus when you're running around making errands. However, not all activities should be cancelled. Going to the gym, for instance, is an awesome way to wake up and refresh your brain.

4) A studying technique I tend to overly abuse is note taking. Reading straight from the book never gets me anywhere. Instead, I read over the text, pick out the main ideas, and write them down in point form. Sometimes this can be rather time consuming but, in the end, it's all worth it!

5) Another way to improve your studying habits would be to get up and walk around while you are reading your notes. According to studies, walking around helps your brain get some exercise and keep focus. Pretty cool, eh?

These are only a few ways to help improve your study skills. There are definitely a whole lot more out there!

What studying techniques do you find helpful?

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